

95 lb close grip bench x25
135lb. bench press x15
rest for Pete's set
135 lb. bench press x15
rest for Pete's set
185 lb. bench press x7
rest for Pete's set
185 lb. bench press x6
rest for Pete's set

Ring push up with full flexion (drawing hands together at bottom of motion) x10

95 lb. overhead press x12 (3 sets, resting during Pete's sets)

Ring push up with full flexion (drawing hands together at bottom of motion) x10

95 lb. Sumo squat (feet wider than a regular squat with toes pointed out to 10 and 2) x20
95 lb. calf raise x30
repeat x2

Ring push up with full flexion (drawing hands together at bottom of motion) x10

Bosu sit up x30, two sets

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