Friday the 16th of October, 2009

Three rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
1.5/1 pood Kettlebell, 21 swings
12 Pull-ups

Post time to comments.

Notes, tools, articles and ephemera:
  • Helen: Sub-7:00 (OPT)...[wmv] (CrossFit main site)


2fit2cross said...

work out
160 x 3
180 x 3
205 x 3 + 2

115 x 10 x 5

9:04 RX

Dan said...

7:20 Rx

Did not want to do this...
Warmed up...
Still didn't want to go.
Decided to just pace Pete on it, then after the first run just pace his runs.
And then...as always, that little voice creeps in and I did it.
Back beat up from DL's yesterday so KB's were not stellar.
Pull ups were not so hot either (first round 12, 2nd 10&2, 3rd 3 then slipped, chalked and 6, 3)
Still a PR. I'll take it.

Finisher-115# thruster x21
7/7/8...Went for the extra rep.
Felt pretty good.

Slim Biscayne said...

Rest Day - probably do some mobility and stretching shit later

Joseph - way to get those extra reps like yer supposed to!

thekillatapes said...

First time with Helen. 1 Pood and combination of jump and regular pulls, mostly jump the second and third rounds.


Feelin' the progress!

Wess said...

Finally, Helen!been waiting for months

9:40(PR)- shooting for nine but i'll take it!

KBS were unbroken until 3rd rnd-15,6. pullups were 12,6+6,4+4+4.
running was the killer

hope to do it again, soon..

Slim Biscayne said...

Cardio Helen
400m jog
21 russian kb swings 1/2 pood
12 ring rows
3 rounds

Never lost my breath - lots of stretching afterwards.

Chris G said...

9:09 rx

PANOS said...

7:37 Rx

Russian Steroids Rock!

Yamakoa said...

Rx'd 8:55
11 seconds slower. I went for it, just didn't have it. The DL's from the night before totally annihilated my posterior chain. Can you say hamstrunged.

K2 12:41
About 1 min and 20 secs slower. Must be something in the air. Or too many glasses of wine ;)

J Weezy said...

11:27 Rx