Monday the 12th of January, 2009

For time 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, and 5 rep rounds of:

Virtual shoveling [wmv] [mov]

With an Olympic bar holding only one plate (men use 45 pound plate, women use 25 pound plate), touch the plate on one side of the barrier then the other for one "rep." Barrier is 24."

Post time to comments.


Dan said...

Rx, with chest to bar pull ups first ten reps and then first five of each set after. 28" cone for shovel.
Joe-21:47 (25 lb plate)
Dom-25:17 (Rx first set, 25 lb plate after, ring rows)
Dick-19:26 (15 lb bar, rows)
Diego-18:14 (15 lbs on oly bar, rows)
Isabell-21:44 (bar, rows)
Jorge-17:49 (oly bar plus 30, jump pulls)
Kurt and Betsy-non Rx reps, still good work.

Anonymous said...

i hate you virtual shovel....hate