Wednesday the 14th of January, 2009

Picture from CrossFit.com

Overhead squat 3-3-3-3-3 reps

Practice skill of your choice (headstand, handstand, L-sit, etc.)

Post loads to comments.


Slim Biscayne said...


10mins AMRAP

Power Clean 135# X 7
Assisted Ring Dips x 7

Completed 5 rounds plus a few reps.

Anonymous said...

95, 105, 115, 120, 120

handstand practice - getting it slowly, discovering how iportant a rigid core is.

Dan said...

Half mile time trial...
remapped it, only .48 mile.
another go in an hour with the .02 added on pre OH squat.

Dan said...

2:17 with a little left in the tank.
Legs dead from the past two days. Not enough warm up.
2:10 is close. very close.

OH Squat
5 sets of three
115, 125, 130 (or so I thought....someone forgot to take the 10 lb. plate off of their side of the rack, making this an unbalanced 140...2 solid reps before a third failure), 130, 135 (last rep on the 135 was not low enough). Legs dead from the week and the half miles. Good block.

PANOS said...


handstand work later on

each one of these lifts where accompanied with a bit of fear and excitation. missing at 185 brought me back in touch with reality. First time out, not a bad effort. I like this lift alot. very technical.