Monday the 19th of January, 2009

Warm up:

25 double unders
10 med ball cleans 20 lbs
20 push ups
20 squats

repeat x3

Hang power clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

Finisher: 5 minutes max dead hang pull ups on the new bar.

Say hello to your neighbor.

Post loads to comments.


Dan said...
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Dan said...

Great warm up, new buddy lee jump rope is good stuff.

Power clean-goal of 200

185 (fail), 185, 195 (fail), 195 (fail, almost), 185, 190, 200 (fail)

Five minutes dead hang pull ups-goal of 50
went out with a set of ten...too much. trying this later today with ten sets of five.

L-sit on low bars x4-goal of 20 seconds.
18, 18, 15, 22 seconds

Three hours later:
9 Rounds of:
1min on 1 min off
Hold distances as consistent as possible.
Good old lung pain. Legs dead but good work, about 350 meter loop.
Look out 5 minute mile.

PANOS said...

Off day
Coached Dan through some HPC's
Mostly took it easy. Looking forward to hitting it hard this week.