Thursday the 8th of October, 2009

Bench Press
Front Squat

Finisher for time:
"Speedy McGoober"
Row 250, Run 200, 1 rope climb, 50 double unders
What's the sub for double unders you ask? There is no sub for double unders I say. Perhaps a triple under? Quadrups?

Get Ready for the Lean Out Challenge:


Jason W said...

Bench Press 5-5-5
155, 165, 175x4

Front Squat 5-5-5
135, 145, 145

Speedy McG x 2 - 3:03 and 3:37

K- ROC said...

DM: Thanks for the times, nasty track day yesterday. Was definately reconsidering our friendship! Re-confirmation of "NOTHING IS ENJOYABLE".

Additional Standards/Goals:
1. 3 mi / 22 mins max time.
2. 75 Flutter kicks / 2 mins

Will Talk more Saturday.

Dan said...

Bench Press-140x5, 160x5, 180x9

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
95 pound Thruster, 5 reps
95 pound Hang Powercleans, 7 reps
95 pound Sumo Deadlift High-pull, 10 reps

11 rounds plus 5 Thruster, 3 HPC

Rest 3 minutes
Max OHS@95# 19

Gonna try Speedy McGoober later. 3:03 is a time I need to go after. Good job JW.

2fit2cross said...

doormouse intervals
1 minute on
30 seconds off
mix and match
jump rope
sit ups
box step ups
pull ups
mtn climbers
kb swings
hang power cleans
push press
30 minutes

Max Rep over head Squat 95#

Wess said...

Bench Press 5x5x5- 175,195,205x6

Front Squat 5x5x5- 140,160,170x6

Finisher- 5:00; had split of 1:40 after rope climb, happy to finish dubs.

only two back lashes this time,lol.

PANOS said...

10 +5,7,4 (pr)

11 would have looked nice. 6 reps shy. Oh well. Got to 5 under 10 minutes. Just could not hold the pace. Better than last time. Need to work the SDLHP's.

1 set max rep OHS @95# 32 reps