Sunday the 15th of November, 2009

Pictures from yesterday's Fittest in Miami III. Results below:

Men's RX


Men's Scaled:

In case you forgot the events:

CrossFit 305 Fittest In Miami Challenge 3

Event One
Saturday's first event will be an outdoor field run including backward running, four point running (bear crawl, crab walk) and short bouts of bodyweight movements.
No Time Limit

Event Two

A 'barbell-to-overhead-any-way-how' event.
The Rx class weight for men is 155#/women 105#
The total weight to lift for men is 5,000#/women 3,500.
The barbell must go from the ground to overhead each rep.
Scaled class will be available.

Rx Class
Men-33 reps
Women-34 reps
Men scaled options
135-38 reps
115-44 reps
95-53 reps
Women scaled reps
75-47 reps
65-54 reps
12 minute time limit

Event Three
Three rounds for time of:
15 burpees
15 dumbell swings with each arm
40 yard lunge with dumbbell
40 yard sprint back with dumbbell
12 minute time limit.


dibo said...

back squat 5x5

750m row(estimated)75 thrusters #45 bar. 5:32

Dan said...

75x5, 95x5, 115x3

1 rope climb
2 squat snatch 115
3 squat cleans 115
4 push press 115
5 c2b pull ups

3 rounds with rest, NFT

3 rope climbs
6 squat snatch 115
9 squat clean 115
12 push press/jerk 115
15 c2b pull ups
20 wall balls 20#
25 double unders
35 b'fly abmat sit ups
400 meter run

3 rounds:
2 muslce ups on Rogue rings
8 pistols

Good practice day.

Chris G said...

Pete, Dan, Alex - thanks for the skill work yesterday. I appreciate the help.