Front Squat
1-10-1-20-1-30 reps
Post loads to comments.
For this workout use a percentage of your max, whether it is a 5 rep, 3 rep or 1 rep max. Of use in determining loads may be Prilepin's chart or Dave Tate's periodization bible. All sets in this workout must be completed unbroken, so be sure to pick an appropriate weight. The single rep sets should be 90-100% of your one rep max. The 10 rep set might be in the 60-80% range of your one rep max. The 20 rep set might be in the 50-70% range of your one rep max. The 30 rep set might be in the 40-60% range of your one rep max. If you don't know your one rep max, or are unfamiliar with the exercise, focus on form and be conservative. If you know your 5RM or 3RM, use this calculator to estimate your 1RM. Rest 2-4 minutes between each set.
Of interest:
Power Clean 185x5x5
Bench Press 185x5,200x5x3
Deadlift PTTP 235x5,215x5
Row 100 metersx4, full recovery
16.7,16.3,16.1,16.0 damper@10
225 started light/ conservative
155 too light
245 just warming up
155 ok but could have done more
265 felt great, room for more
135 great last set, muscled it out
nice and quick wod. put it in the books.
not too shabby. grip fucker for sure. hand pads where slippery. in competition going with the tape instead to shave some time.
Front Squats 1-10-1-20-1-30
205 (PR)
225 fail - got way too greedy
total = 735 on the 5 rounds
wow my legs are jelly
I dig the funky rep scheme.
Front squat 1 10 1 20 1 30
265, 185, 275 PR, 155, 275, 155
1310 total
was way too ambitious on the high rep sets
215x18 FAIL
175X16 FAIL
Great warm up
265/185/275/155/275(f)/135 = 9540
Pete, why did you calculate your total like that?
K2 subbed OHS
Very interesting rep scheme. I think I understand the reasoning behind the programming of this WOD ( I probably don't). We will see how this protocol plays out.
Alex, re: the total, the mainsite on Dec 23 said:
"Post total load (add up all six barbell loads) to comments"
It didn't say add up the pounds lifted, or work performed, which would imply that you multiply by the # of reps. If you look at the comments you can see that pretty much everybody interpreted it as Pete did, and just added the weights.
total= 1290
sub back squat
Did something similar to this on Christmas Day, so i worked on some other strength stuff.
Weighted Pull Ups
50# x5 x3
Weighted Ring Dips
25# x5 x3
Wheel Roll outs (from Knees)
Back Ex
all super-set (OMG body building lingo)
20 dubs
20 single arm KB swings, 1 pd
x6 switch arm each round
9 Minutes even
1 Round of Rocco to test it out.
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