Wednesday the 22nd of April, 2009

3 minutes max points suicide run
2 minutes rest
3 minutes max reps dead lift

10 minutes skill practice: rope climb

1 comment:

Dan said...

Tuesday 4/21

Suicide run: 40 points (1 point for ten yard cone and back, 2 for 20, 3 for 30, 4 for 40, 5 for 50, 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1-1-2-3-4-5) 800 yards total.

-135# clean and over head x5
-Chest to bar pull ups x10
8 minutes AMRAP

5 rounds plus 2 cnj

c2b pulls were off. will hit 6 in competition saturday.

3x10 c2 b pull ups getting the rhythm back. it's back.