Monday the 25th of May, 2009

There will be no 6 or 7 am class, however there will be a 9 am class and evening classes will remain the same.

3 rounds for time of:
Thrusters 45# x50
Knees to Elbows x30
Double Unders x100

Notes, tools, articles and ephemera:


PANOS said...

20 squats, 10 lunges
Burgenger w/u
PVC and 45# bar (3 rep sets)

2 minutes L-Sit (1 leg out alternating)
30 ring dips (5,5,5,5,4,6)
30 K2E (10,10,10)

Squats 5-5-5-5-5
w/u 65/10, 115/8, 155/5

285x5 (PR)

skipped out 5th attempt since I hit a PR. Going off to enjoy the rest of the day.

2fit2cross said...

32: something. This was hard. A grind as dan said.

Slim Biscayne said...

41:03 slogging

dibo said...

40:53 #65 on thursters. highlight of the day was dan doing du's in his briefs....

PANOS said...

Tightey whitey or boxer?

Dan said...

tighty blacks.
f'n shorts kept falling down.

24:40 Rx
Long grinder.

4x1000 meter row
3:41, 3:39, 3:45, 3:41
Played with damper settings between 5 and 7.