Thursday the 21st of February, 2009

Although he is lazy here in the front squat, Alex sure isn't lazy in the WOD's.
He and his wife Karina have been posting mighty impressive efforts daily.
Congratulations are in order to Alex as he achieves his black belt in jiu-jitsu today.
Way to go! Both you and Karina have been great additions to CF305!

8 total rounds per team, 4 rounds per individual for time of:

With a partner of equal ability, run 800 meters, going out and back to a 50 meter marker 8 times. One partner rests while the other runs and vice versa.

Time each individual effort on your own watch, team times will be kept by a master clock. All laps must be counted by partner.

Post times to comments.

Notes, tools, articles and ephemera:


2fit2cross said...


thanks dan for the pacing on the last one.

Dan said...

Rest Day.

Yamakoa said...

Thanks for the support.

We feel honored to be a part of the crew.

PANOS said...

did not get to workout.