Tuesday the 25th of August, 2009

Classes today at 7:30am, 5:30pm and 6:30pm

Skill practice: Clean, Jerk

'Grace Lightning'
Clean and Jerk, 30 reps 95/65

Skill practice: False grip/Muscle Up

4x100 meter sprint on the minute.

A different kind of "GRACE"... ROCKED
Here is a demo.


Jason said...

Grace Lightning, scaled to 75#


Burpee Ladder - 14

PANOS said...


Stone CNJ/Thruster 30 reps
**stone had to be over 100#**

add to that the ackward factor and it definately elevates the weight.

start-back hills run
finish-4x 100

Wess said...

nice Pete..

Park workout-

5 rounds of
-10 deadhang pullups
-350ft (175x2)dash with 35lb sandbag
-finished with xtra 700 ft dash w sandbag


Adam said...

Love it. nice work, Pete. Someone sitting on the balcony there looks like he is ready to call the cops - or the insane asylum.

Morning stroller 5k, moderate pace (160 HR ceiling)

Hope I can get in there for Grace. Otherwise I just might lift and toss one of my kids 30 times. I think I would have to scale it down to the middle one.

JLP Education Blog said...

Love it pete! Keep the awesome pix and vids coming!

dibo said...

nice vid!

grace lightning scaled to HPC #135 30 REPS


DU Ladder sub for burpees. 10 on the minute. (60)6 rounds.

4x100 sprints

Slim Biscayne said...

95# Grace 1:31 (PR by 14 seconds)

Great work Alex and Pete

8 rounds plus 5 on burpee ladder.

4 x 100 m runs

Yamakoa said...

95 lbs x 30 reps of C&J 1:19

65 lbs 30 reps of C&J 3:24 great form.

Burpee Ladder
Completed 18 reps 9th round
14 plus 4

ran only 2X100M

Dan said...

2 x100 meter sprint w/ 45 # child on back

rest as rx'd.