30 muscle ups for time.
If you cannot do muscle ups:
10 rounds for time
10 pull ups
10 push ups
Notes, tools, articles and ephemera:
- The Muscle Up from Beast Skills
- Robb Wolf on 5-3-1 and adrenal fatigue
- Rabbi CrossFit
- Is the Exercise Cool-Down Really Necessary?
Dear crossfit305,
After narrowly avoiding blacking out during today's WOD, I've decided to leave crossfit after a year for a training program that is a little more my speed. I want to focus on my strengths not my weaknesses:
If Facione and Brackett endorse it, I'm pretty sure it's what you want to do. 240 reps per minute=INTENSITY.
That's old news. I have been doing something like that since I was about 14, and usually in less than 6 minutes
30 muscle ups for time: 7 total in about 20 minutes - big DNF -- can't lift my arms now -- goal is 15 next time this one comes up
i was telling d and p about this the other day....um that just sucks.
'sucks' isnt really what comes to mind
funny stuff Chris..
WOD-7:43- was on track for a PR but failed at 28th rep(3 fails before finish)
finisher-400 m for time- 66 sec
1st time completing this WOD...
Rest for time.
Yesterday's finisher: 200 meter uphill carolla push-1:54
DH MU groove greasing.
7:25. PR.
First time breaking 10:00. No failed attempts was the key. One at a time. Steady Eddie.
Tabata sdlhp head to head with jason. I hate sdlhps. 50 ghd's, slow
Ugh, I went with the 10pull/10push X 10. Used red band for first couple rounds, then blue band.
Horrendous 33:something for my time. if I don't have legit pull-ups by year's end I'm bummed, er, more bummed.
6:09 - 16 seconds slower than my last time. 1 failed attempt each at #26 and #30.
400m run 1:16
Chris - you clearly need more cisco blocks in your diet.
5 pullups/5 pushups - 9 rounds
5 ring rows/5 pushups - 1 round
10 ring rows/10 pushups - 5 rounds
Just had a chance to watch that clip. now the comments make sense. Funny shit.
only 6 minutes a day?
9:44 one second slower than last time. two fails where your arm almost rips out of its socket.
400 meter in 1:33. WTF?!?!?! strength cycle? first few days of return to strict paleo, limited carbs? i dont know but that sucked. no excuses, but come on!
Joseph - If I had a vagina, I would be a woman....and if you kipped the whole way instead of trying to be a stud, you would have gotten a PR
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