Monday the 16th of November, 2009

For time:
50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders

Post time to comments.

Of interest:


Jason said...

1st time doing Filthy Fifty as Rx'd

Need to work on wall ball, K2Es, and DUs.

Adam said...

Filty 50 rx: 24:41. (Pvs PR 27:55). Weather made a nice difference. first time nailing 50 dubs unbroken, ever. Burpees are like shots of tequila - first few rounds are rough, but after a while, they go down a lot easier as your legs get wobbly.

Great job everyone on saturday. Hopefully all are recovered.

J Weezy said...

Filthy Fifty
34:21 Rx (3:31 faster than last time)

got to wall balls sub 20

55-60 wall ball attempts to get 50 good ones (of which 1/3 or so barely cleared 10 ft) Ugly

Dan said...


Clean and Jerk
135 x3 power clean,split jerk
185 x2 power clean, push jerk
205 x1 power clean, push jerk
215 gross failure on clean.
215 power clean, failed push jerk
215 fail

Need to commit to the drop on the 215 jerk and work on technique-a lot.

750 meter row
75 45# thrusters

Row at 1:48 pace.
thrusters-20-back rest-10-br-10-br-10-drop-25...all mental.

Dan said...

Repeat of 10:30 am WOD
Row 750 @1:48 pace
Meant to do only 25 thrusters.
Got there at 3:55
Decided to do the rest beacause it felt 'good'. Not the greatest idea.

Post up those times and comments folks, this blog is for you!

dibo said...

4x400 2 min rest in between

2:30min rest then

50 du's 20 step ups 20" step
4xrounds 6:51

Chris G said...

750 m row / 75 thrusters @ 45#
thrusters 20,10,10,10, fought through the rest. rested bar on back. did not drop bar. Dan is right - take it smooth on the row.

Slim Biscayne said...

Rough day. My arm still hurts from arm wrestling on Friday.

Scaled as follows:
50 box jumps - 20" box
50 jumping pull-ups
50 one arm dumbbell swings 20#
50 walking lunges
50 GHD sit-ups
50 push press - 45#
50 hip extensions
50 wall balls shots, 20#
50 burpees
50 double unders

64 minutes and change

I was at 26 minutes when I got to wall balls. You do the math. The double unders were probably one of the most frustrating exercises I have done recently. I couldn't string them together and I was exhausted.

2fit2cross said...

225 x 5 x3
175 x 5 x3

pull ups

row 750 meters, 75 45# thrusters
My traps, ugh.

Yamakoa said...

Rx 22:08

first time Rx 35:25

PANOS said...

23:40 Rx

rough one today. Got wrecked last night, little sleep, softball and long warm up. Not a PR.