Journal entries are fundamental to CrossFit success. Not knowing where you came from makes it hard to say where you are going. This book says volumes about K1's success at CrossFit. If we could only get her to show up on time!
1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
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Rest as needed...
Three rounds for time:
15 chest clap push ups
Sprint 200 meters
Of interest:
- Stop the chicken (phaleo) necking!
miss u ,cute journal,
c a 2morrow!
PR's all around at the 6am class
DL singles 315,345,365,375 PR,345
DL 315x6
Finisher 3:38
DL singles- 275,315,335,345(f),340 (PR),325,325
for finisher had to sub 200m row for 200m run- 3:55
thanks to sean and adam for pushing those numbers up and making it seem easy. good motivation.
Certainly wasn't easy for me. I hate deadlifts. Lots of F's and no PR, but good work and goals for next time. We need to work hardest on what we dislike the most.
2:55rx on the finisher.
Did I mention I hate deadlifts?
Great job, Sean, Wes and Jamie who crushed it.
Great job to everybody with the deadlifts today! I saw well over 10 PR's. I like nothing more than seeing 305'ers PR's. Way to go guys!
Rest Day.
venetian causway 5k with local run club 25:51.
me above
Finisher scaled
15 push-ups
200m run
30 GHD's no clock
Worked way up to 415 (PR)
No finisher for me. Weekend catching up with me.
set a (PR) with a 215 DL.
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