
Jerk (at CFNMB with Jonas)
worked up to max
295 (x)(x)(x)
Wasnt feeling it. Got under 2 of them but did not split enough. Figured I would cut if off as its the 4th day on and I could use a rest day.

75% 185 x 3 x 10 (3 on the minute for 10 minutes)

Taking off tomorrow. Coming back with a 1RM snatch. Stay tuned.

Started out planning on front squatting and then doing the main site WOD....did not warm up enough.
Went from 5 45# reps to 3 135# reps cold and tweaked mid back...did not want to push it.

Warmed up with shoot throughts, jogging, light KB swings, rope pulls, KB deadlifts...
Reminder to self WARM UP STUPID!

Weakness day...
5 HSPU (25#plates/abmat)
5 strict ring dips
20 GHD back/hip extensions

5 rounds, NFT
skipped BE on the last 2 rounds as my headache was getting worse

Rest 20 minutes
Conditioning WOD
3 minutes work, 1 minute rest, 5 rounds
Rounds 1/3/5
24" burpee box jump, 5 reps
25 double unders
Rounds 2&4 w/ 22# weighted vest
24" burpee box jump, 5 reps
7 squats

3 cycles plus a few reps in each 3 minutes block. Good conditioning, felt terrible, paying for the weekend.
Not to self...do not turn Knob Creek into Knob Overflowing River again anytime soon.
Sweating out sour mash from Saturday on Tuesday. Yuckinstein.

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