
push day

did a team 100 cal row with the 6am class 6:03

squat 5x10
145, 155,165,175, 185

clean 5x3 115#
working on staying out over the bar as long as possible until the bump. trying a little more bar seperation from the legs pendlay style.

deadlift 5x10 145#
superset with HSPU 5x6

bench 185#, 8,8,8,7,6
push press 95x10,135x10,145x10,155x8,155x7

random gymnastics handstand walking practice. played HORSE with jessica. distances, up onto plates, up and over plates, turns, etc. this was really fun. tri's still absolutely smoked form the skull crushers on tuesday. can you get TOO much pump?

100 cal row again.
somehow something feels right in my back again after a really long time. i felt it on the row this morning i suddenly didn't have any fear or apprehension of holding my abs super super tight and just held good positions and rowed really hard. same feeling on the squats today like all the weights were an absolute joke.

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