The Dumbbell Bear"
With a set of dumbbells no more than forty five percent of your bodyweight perform the following every minute on the minute for twenty minutes:
5 deadlifts
5 hang power cleans
5 thrusters
Post rounds completed to comments.
CrossFit is a comprehensive health-and-fitness program designed for universal scalability; meaning so long as you're committed, you can get started regardless of experience level. Rather than change programs, we change our loads and intensity to meet the demands of everyone from the elderly to the elite.
CrossFit focuses on all ten elements of optimal physical fitness:
1) Cardio/Respiratory Endurance
2) Stamina
3) Strength
4) Flexibility
5) Power
6) Speed
7) Coordination
8) Agility
9) Balance
10) Accuracy
Dumb-bear 60#
6 2/3 rounds in 20 minutes. BRUTAL.
400m "sprint" 2:00
95# Grace - 1:45
Favourite colour(s) are green, orange and purple, the louder, the better.
15....grace 4:15. brutality.
Grace Rx
Six hours later
Grace 95#
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