Sunday the 10th of May, 2009

Rest Day


Out of Town/Home Workout

50 Burpees
50 Squats
50 Walking Lunges
50 Pushups
50 Situps

Notes, tools, articles and ephemera:

1 comment:

Dan said...

16# med ball clean x10
15 push ups
run 200 meters
5 rounds for time.

10 sets not for reps of butterfly pull up practice.

lunch break:
c2b pull ups
5:something (forgot to stop watch in the painzone)
did this one with nick(?) from CFAffliction in FLL. He kicked my butt after I barely edged him in the MBC/PU/run WOD.

Also, one minute of rowing for average watts (505), a few DH MU's, L-sit for time (:30) and other random skill practice.

Totally dead at the end of a great two day seminar.