Friday the 31st of June, 2009

This is the WOD for the Challenge to take place at the CrossFit Affliction One Year Anniversary on 8.22.09 in Ft. Lauderdale. The fastest time posted is 17 minutes. Can you beat it?

For Time:
Row 500 Meters
25 Box Jumps 24"Men / 20"Women
400 Meter Sprint
25 Dead Lifts 185# Men / 135# Women
25 Double Unders or 150 Single Jump Ropes
25 Pull Ups (chest to bar Men / chin over Women)
25 Wall Balls 20# Men / 14# Women
25 Kettlebell Swings 53# Men / 35# Women
25 Burpees


Jason said...

Affliction WOD: 20:40 Rx (except for a combo of CTB and chin pull ups)

The burpees at the end were a killer

PANOS said...

12:42 Rx

Dan said...

12:02 Rx

4x100 meters on the minute
working on tempo
16, 16, 16, 15

Wess said...

WOD- 21:26 Rx

was a killer but seemed like recovery time was quick...maybe I just gotta try harder

dibo said...

14:32 50 ring rows replaced C2B pulls. tough, very tough...

JoeyG said...

You guys are animals. I don't remember my time because I felt like vomiting. It was awesome!!

Yamakoa said...


K2 19:38

Welcome back. This one hurt!

steveb said...

I am gonna issue out some of the confiscated meth I got so we can keep up with u Dade boy