Karina shows some pure strength with L-pull ups.
5 rounds for time:
200 meter run
10 Hang Power Snatch 75/45
20 GHD sit ups
Finish with 400 meter run
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Notes, tools, articles and ephemera:
- Snatch Skill Transfer and Assistance Exercises from Catalyst Athletics.
- The Olympic Lift Starting Position from Catalyst Athletics.
- Learning the Olympic Lifts, The Stance by Mike Burgener with Tony Budding from the CrossFit Journal.
- A Beautiful Snatch from Testosterone Muscle.
- Hossein Rez Zadeh snatching 201kg like it was a broomstick.
16:42 RX (75 lbs) and GHD's
Good metcon. not too killer because the weight was light.
karina is sooo cute and sooo strong at the same time! you go girl!!
19:20 (65 lbs)
first time movements for me: snatch and GHD
45x8, 75x8, 95x5, 135x5, 145x5, 150x4, 125x10
11:35 Rx
13:25 rx
1:59,3:58,6:15, 8:58, 12:00, 13:25
scaled HPS to 95#
round 1 all unbroken, good speed
all subsequent rounds HPS in 5's and GHD's in 3s,4s and 5s
predictably the runs and the GHD's ate me up.
15:12 HPS #95 as well. GHD to parallel, not touching floor. all rounds unbroken. slight wait for GHD bench in first round.
Rx'd 15:00
K2 2 rounds GHD 3 rounds Abmat
Tabata squats K2 15 Alex 13
Dan, Pete - you guys are inspirational!
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