Saturday the 4th of July, 2009


30 minutes, As Many Rounds As Possible of:

7 Deadlifts 250/175
4 Power snatches 95/65
17 Burpees
70 Double Unders
6 Hand Stand Push Ups

Post rounds to comments.



2fit2cross said...

congrats to Jamie on the first kipping pull up. Great accomplishment!

Wisco Tom said...

Way to go Jamie !!!

Dan said...

Yeah Jamie! Proof that hard work and dedication pays off.


4 rounds plus DL, snatch and 12 burpees.

"This was a stupid idea" said to Pete after the first round. I actually said to myself, "You are free to do all seven of these in a row so do 'em" on the last set of DL's. Good Stuff!
Nice time with beer, watermelon and the die hards afterwards.
The neighbor asked if we had just hosed down as we sat in our puddles of sweat and refused to beleive that it wasn't water. PURE SWEAT BABY!

Slim Biscayne said...

Big ups to Jamie! Awesome.

did single unders instead of doubles and did high box push ups instead of HSPU's

3 rounds plus everything up to and including the jump rope. Couldn't quite finish the last round.

2fit2cross said...

staying sane in NY. Hit the New York Sports Club with the step-dad.

Dead Lift
45 x5x2
135 x4 x1
185 x3 x1
235 x1 x1

265 x5 x3

Long Island 10 Minute AMRAP
80# hang power clean + push press
50 double-unders
20 walking lunges

5 with 5 seconds to spare.

Wess said...

brutal workout-

3 rounds +deadlifts,snatch, and burpees

scaled DL to 185lb, subbed 210 singles for 70 DU

Yamakoa said...

Good Job Jamie!

Nasty, Nasty, Nasty!!!!
4 rounds plus 7 DL's plus 4 PSNatch plus 15 Burps. 2 rounds did 70 DU. The other 2 rounds 50 DU and 100 singles. Used abmat for HSPU.

4 rounds plus 7 DL's plus 4 PSnatch Plus 2 Burps.
135 lbs DL/45 lbs PSnatch/ Box L Presses

Really enjoyed laying it on the line. What a crew!

PANOS said...

5 rounds + 7 DL + 4 PS

dibo said...

4 rounds minus 3 HSPU's