Monday the 14th of September, 2009

Five rounds for time:
15 reps Power Snatch, 95/65

Run 400 meters

Post time to comments.

Skill of the week: Double Under
Essential 9 of the week: Deadlift


Luis Pinto said...

Is there a sub for power snatch?

Slim Biscayne said...

You might want to look at the brand x forum and see what they have there.

Chris Holt said...

Did this one last week but started with the power snatches. Tough one but a goodie.


Pete and Dan, can't wait to start doing some WODs with you guys. It's going to be fun!

Chris Holt said...

Did this one last week but started with the power snatches. Tough one but a goodie.


Pete and Dan, can't wait to start doing some WODs with you guys. It's going to be fun!

PANOS said...

sub-out SDLHP 75#

Dan said...

5 rounds
15 power snatch, 95#
run 400 meters
High Noon, Little Haiti
Still recovering from flu, but felt pretty good.
3:00, 3:10, 3:35, 3:45 and 3:10
Lifts got slower, runs got faster.

6 rope climbs (skill)
165# Bench ladder
8 +2

Shoulder isolation movements w/ bands and dumbbells.

Jason said...

Power snatch, runs WOD scaled to 75#


pre workout gasser 2 rounds of 1 min max dubs: 70's, 50's

Slim Biscayne said...

Back froze up on 4th run


Wess said...

WOD @ noon scaled to 75lbs- 20:32

9(?) rope climbs, GHB situps, 1 arm handstand practice

PANOS said...

16:10 Rx

Pretty tough day anytime you do a 5 rounder. 3rd round seems to always becomes an active recovery. I guess that what happens when your going for it.

2fit2cross said...

started at 95# but my shoulder started to give me trouble towards the ends of the seconds round. Scaled to 75#. 17:30 something.

dibo said...

subbed power snatch for#185 backsquats.


adam said...

This one killed me for some reason. Still not sure why.

Couldnt get any rhythm or consistency on the snatches and the runs were slow. real low bar set for next time.

JLP Education Blog said...

Day full of PRs! 27:40 5 rounds 53lb. Power snatch x15 and 400 meter runs... Best part though, I got my first double under! Can string 3 DUs in a row now!!

today, i am sooo sore. taking a rest day.