Squat Clean
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CrossFit is a comprehensive health-and-fitness program designed for universal scalability; meaning so long as you're committed, you can get started regardless of experience level. Rather than change programs, we change our loads and intensity to meet the demands of everyone from the elderly to the elite.
CrossFit focuses on all ten elements of optimal physical fitness:
1) Cardio/Respiratory Endurance
2) Stamina
3) Strength
4) Flexibility
5) Power
6) Speed
7) Coordination
8) Agility
9) Balance
10) Accuracy
Squat cleans 3-3-3-3-3
max pushups 1 min- 53
box jump for height- 48in (pr)
Squat cleans 5 x 3
155, 165, 175 (failed on 3rd and 4th rep, got 5th), 185 x1, 155
Pushups 1 min: 56
squat cleans
155x3, 175x3 (f on 3, got 4th), 185x3, 200x1 (pr), 185x3
push ups:42
box jump one rep max: 49.5 inches (pr)
Filthy Fifty
37:52 Rx
didn't think I'd make it through wall balls, must have spent 10 minutes at that station
Squat cleans 3-3-3-3-3
Felt great. Popped them out. Even had some room to spare. Not time to go max just yet.
max push ups 1 ,minute 49
Still working on technique. Right now I am power cleaning most of them and dropping into a front squat.
Max push-ups 1 minute
Max effort single turn jump ropes
CoC gripper (trainer)
10 reps x 4 sets
Squat Cleans 3,3,3,3,3
4x 40yd sprints
100' walking lunge
15 GHD full range execept last round
50 du's
5 rounds 17:27
40 yd sprints x 4
135/155/175/185/195 (PR)
Felt good, Had a little more room, but need technique work.
4X40 yards sprint
Worked all the way up to 100lbs (PR)
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