Wednesday the 30th of September

Paleo pays... What makes a double under? Practice, practice, practice.

Wesley and the great rope battle of '09


For time:
50 Pull-ups
400 meter run
95 pound Thruster, 21 reps
800 meter run
95 pound Thruster, 21 reps
400 meter run
50 Pull-ups

Post time to comments.


Juan said...

That's just crazy. I better go to sleep now. lol

Jason said...


22:49 Rx

those thrusters were hard!

thekillatapes said...

This was extreme. My pull-ups are still a ways off, so I had to go with blue band for most of the first set, and green for the second, and they still dragged my time way down. Thrusters at 75#

Time: 30:00

2fit2cross said...

way to go Jason! You ate that thing up!!!!

Joe just keep on keepin on. The pull ups will come. There will be a day when you wont remember what it is like to use a band. Good job regardless.

Adam said...

Rx 17:25. Great WOD.

Wess said...

Daniel Rx- 22:59

thruster sets of 7 until last one of 4,3.pullups split up all over.

PANOS said...

15:20 Rx

dropped the bar on the second set. Those suck after 800,s. Everything sucks after 800's.

Dan said...

15:53 Rx
Not enough cake blocks.
Need more cake.
B'fly coming along.

Slim Biscayne said...

Rest Day as Rx'd

Chris Holt said...

great times guys.



Thinking about those cake blocks Dan....tempting....