Friday the 30th of October, 2009

Front Squat- (Clean or power clean off of the floor)
3-3-3-3-3+ (first 2 sets are warm up/ rep out last set )

Rest as needed...

'Joker's Wild'

AMRAP 10 minutes:
13 burpees
13 one arm push press push press 30/20
13 box jumps 24"/20"

A lot of you have been asking about the food that came in on Monday. If you are interested in joining, click the link above and sign up. Let them know you will be picking up at CrossFit 305. Pick up is Monday between 5pm and 7:30pm.

Of interest:


2fit2cross said...

Good work at the 7 AM class this morning.

We had some really heavy good form squats from JC (can't wait to see you clean that), Juan, and Lou.

We had some dedicated form work by Kim, Bret, AJ.

An finally we had some beginners get in there and work the front squat and put their reps in on the Jokers Wild.

Nice work 305!

Slim Biscayne said...

rest day broooooo

PANOS said...

5 +13/11 Rx

Adam said...

Front squat is one of my biggest weaknesses. Great to focus on it today.

Fun AMRAP. Who doesn't love burpees on a Friday, huh?

4 rds + 13 burps / 13 PP (RX - 24" box)

Pete crushed it.

Jason said...

Front Squat 225x3,245x3,255x1 PR,225x5

Joker's Wild 3+13/13/5

DIBO said...

clean from floor to front squat5x3

135x3,195x3,225x3, 245x3, 265x3

J Weezy said...

Front Squat (11/12/09)
175 fail