Clean 135 pounds
Ring Dips
Of interest:
Athletes Amenorrhea - for the ladies and those who love them.
Clean 135 pounds
Ring Dips
Of interest:
CrossFit is a comprehensive health-and-fitness program designed for universal scalability; meaning so long as you're committed, you can get started regardless of experience level. Rather than change programs, we change our loads and intensity to meet the demands of everyone from the elderly to the elite.
CrossFit focuses on all ten elements of optimal physical fitness:
1) Cardio/Respiratory Endurance
2) Stamina
3) Strength
4) Flexibility
5) Power
6) Speed
7) Coordination
8) Agility
9) Balance
10) Accuracy
clean n jerk? power clean? clean my feet?
1.Clean before you jerk.
2.Be gentle( no power necessary)
3.Definitely clean your feet.
In other words-Squat clean.
Wet naps will be provided.
A Clean (sometimes stated as 'squat clean') takes the bar from the floor (deadlift position) to full squat (a** to the grass) to standing with the bar racked on the shoulders with elbows up.
A Power Clean takes the bar from the floor(deadlift position) to quarter squat to standing with the bar racked on the shoulders with elbows up.
A Hang Power Clean takes the bar from mid thigh to quarter squat to standing with the bar racked on the shoulders with elbows up.
The same terminology applies to the snatch and its progressions.
I'm so FU*&^NG pissed I'm missing these workouts... Looks like there will be no time in New Orleans to workout.
My wrist is still jacked up from the 30 MUs WOD. At least I'm going to try and eat healthy... See you guys on the 26th
Elizabeth: 11:22
whose idea was beast-a-bith? and where did she go?
great work in the 6 AM and 7 AM classes this morning. Shout out to Dave for pushing though recovering from being sick, and making it through.
9:07 RX (PR). Last time 10:26.
I think it must be that fancy new clock.
Elizabeth @105 lbs- 15:37- 3 min slower than last time.
definitely not feeling it today.
Beastabith was a bad suggestion that people might have actually tried. She went back to my imagination.
For those that missed it...
185 lb. Squat Clean
Dead Hang Muscle Up
(also pondering 9-6-3 for sanity, but 12-8-3 was the original idea for the mystic quality of 23....bro)
Glad I missed that one.
Elizabeth is harder than Fran. Fran is brutal and then it is over. Elizabeth is twice as long and lasts all day. I cant wait to go to sleep.
Someone left a bar hanging around....
15 Power cleans, 185#
3 clean and jerks and 8 wall slap pull ups mixed in there.
"Dude, warm up before you do that."
"Dude, that was a warm up."
10:40 Arrrrrr-Exxxxx
Squat cleans after 800 meter time trial and track work=great idea.
Rep 38 was great. 39-45 even better.
Almost lost it laughing when Dibo said "Explode!" as I was crawling out of the bottom on #37 or so.
Squat cleans are anything but explosive for me. About a 5 second struggle up each time.
Great job A&A on breaking ten!
Rx'd 6:57
K2 (75lb clean and jumping ring dips) 8:08
Dibo - Thanks for keeping count
Dan - Thanks for letting me use your bar after mine came apart. Also great coaching. If you don't have a Tapout shirt for the weekend, I have some Affliction shirts that will totally make you look the part.
Rx - 15:18
10 GHD
10 back extensions
3 rounds with equal rest
4 pole to pole sprints max effort with about 20 seconds recovery.
That article looks like what I saw growing up with some of the girls I knew who did gymnastics at the elite level. They didn't get their periods until they retired. I don't think this is specific to crossfit, but its certainly something to keep in mind. Rest, nutrition, etc.
Eat some carbohydrates. They're fantastic.
THE QUEEN IS DEAD! Alex killed her. Nice work biatch!
I did:
Eliza (not for time, no clock this week)
185 Squat clean
35# weighted ring dips
Going heavier for shits and giggles.
and Later on: C2B tabata and weighted pullups @ 35# 3x3
10:22 RX LOok forward to doing this one again
12/5 Rx
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