Chin over the bar. Way to go Dom...SPRING BREAK!!!
Four efforts,
All efforts must be within 10 seconds of each other.
Each effort starts at 10 minutes.
4 x 40 meter dash. Hop-Hop-Go! Four point start.
Start and finish with strength on all efforts.
Save results on all efforts until the end of the day.
Four efforts huh!
My guess: OHP, PP FS, BS
Ugh either way
Good try guys but no cigar.
Hey dom you forgot your weightlifting shoes. And next time I move your stuff to an area its so you DONT forget it. Got it chief.You could still make fun if you want. I love ya!
Prett-ayy good... that's all I will say. Prett-ayy, Prett-ayy good.
guess we're not giving it away. here are my times though..
WOD- 3:06/3:07/3:14/3:08 then 4 all out practice exercises.
look forward to Sat WOD
My times were 3:48, 3:45, 3:44, 3:45. But it was raining when i started so i did something different. Did i just give it away?
My times- 3:06, 3:08, 3:12. 3:05
Feelin' goood. Good enough for a nap.
800m runs 3:33,29,20,11
4x40yrd finisher
just what the doc ordered
8:30am Track w/ K-Roc
3:2 work:rest ratio
800's on ten minutes
2:38, 2:37, 2:38, 2:34
4x40 finisher. Thanks for the push guys.
800's on ten w/P fresh off a half pound of turkey...mmmm, good
2:46, 2:45
4x40 finisher with the locals wondering what the darn heck was going on. Thanks for the push guys.
The 1 minute pull up (30 seconds up, 30 seconds down)
1 minute max pull ups-39
4 x 750m row 3:28, 3:17, 3:14, 3:01
4 x 100m row all at 20 seconds
800m x 4
3:48, 4:04, 4:25, 4:24
Came out way too hard on the first one. Live and learn
4 x 40m sprints - all out, no clock
1 minute max pull-ups - 15
hey the killtapes,
good work!
170 x 5
190 x 3
215 x 1 +3
115 x10 x4
800 on the 10's x 3
40 meter sprints x 4
1 minute max pull ups
dropped once after the first 20.
AM- SDL 3-3-3-3-3
225, 245, 265, 225+7
PM- 4x800mtr
2:43, 2:42, 2:46, 2:45 (PR all over the place)
DM the magic rabbit paced me for the last 2. THX.
4x40 sprints
Max Pull-ups 1 minute=40 (30 unbroken)
Thanks 2 Fit! Wess was instrumental as he helped me stay on pace, and Dan made it interesting on the final round with a 30 second buffer. He came nipping at my heels on the final push and passed me at the last second- I opened up the final energy boost to soon.
Rambling.. Anyway, good work everyone!
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