Monday the 23rd of November, 2009

Pete represented 305 with a break out performance at the Iron Curtain Challenge. He took 3rd in a very tough field.

The Iron Curtain Chipper (Scaled)

10 Over Head Squat (95/65)
20 Squat Cleans (95/65)
30 Push Press/Push Jerk (95/65)
40 Pull-ups
50 Wall Ball shots (20/14 to 10', not above or below)
60 Double Unders
70 Sit-ups (Abmat, unanchored, chest touches thighs)
800 m Run

30 minute time limit.

Of interest:


Yamakoa said...

Congrats fellas for laying it all on the line and representing us in a very difficult competition.

Pete, great showing.

J Weezy said...

Iron Curtain Chipper (Scaled) - also scaled 3 barbell exercises to 75#


Sunday park WOD (from Threshold site)
50 Dubs, 2 HSPU
40 Dubs, 4 HSPU
30 Dubs, 6 HSPU
20 Dubs, 8 HSPU
10 Dubs, 10 HSPU


JLP Education Blog said...

Great job Pete!!!!

Brian said...

Iron Curtain Chipper, scaled as follow:

65 pounds for overhead squat, clean, and push press.

tuck jumps instead of double unders


Chris G said...

Dan, Dibo, and Pete all kicked ass on Saturday. Pete was in the zone - great job. That chipper was brutal, and I'm still feeling it. I'll be in later this week.

@Alex - no worries bud, we'll get the team back together soon.

Juan said...

gratz Pete!

Slim Biscayne said...

Big ups to Pete and to the other CrossFit 305 athletes who went up and represented.

Adam said...

Great work guys. Further proof that the training, programming and hard work is spot on target. Congratulations to Dan, Pete, Dibo and Gruber.

Today's chipper - 20:47. dubs got me. couldn't link them.

Wess said...

Great job representing guys!

Chipper WOD at 95#- 29:29

Felt great physically and psychologically until 15:35 when I attempted dubs. Spent 5 min getting to 25 reps then decided to finish off w singles. Gotta practice those dubs!

Thanks for the tips Dan.

Jason said...

Chipper WOD @ 95# - 28:28

Spent WAY too much time on wall ball and dubs...

Yamakoa said...

Rx'd 20:35

Was aiming for sub 20 to have a realistic chance to have finished the chipper at evolution in under 30.

Rx'd 27:35

Slim Biscayne said...

scaled double unders to 180 single unders


ouch again

Dan said...

10 65# telephone pole section clean and press...figuring out how to move it
10 65# telephone pole section clean and press for time 2:13
10 53# KB snatch swing per arm
10 53 #KB snatch high pull per arm
10 53# KB snatch per arm
5 65# pole c+p
3 sets x5 reps chest to bar dead hand pull ups
65# power snatch x10
95# power snatch x5
135 HPS x3
135 PSn x3x2

Box Jump Singles-34, 38, 42, 46, 50f, 50f, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 52f, 52stepping start