Thursday the 19th of November, 2009

Clean and Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

Post loads to comments.


J Weezy said...



felt like I left too much on the field saturday's second WOD so happy to get back to this and try some heavier attempts

2 minutes max reps 115 cleans: ~10
1 minute max reps 115 push jerk: ~5

100 sit-ups for time: 4:01

Jason said...

squat clean & split jerk
95-135-185-205 clean, failed on the jerk

need to do lots and lots of 185# triples to fix form

2 minutes 135# squat cleans - 18
1 minute 135# push jerk - 12

thekillatapes said...

Clean and Jerk, but from the hang. Practiced and then did 80# up to 5 reps.

Went home and tackled Cindy, no assistance on the pull-ups/chin-ups, feels good to be band free!

10 rounds plus 2 pullups in 20 minutes.

Dan said...

Good work Joey.
Pull ups are finally here!

2fit2cross said...

two triple unders in a row....get it good!