Thursday the 26th of November, 2009

Rene breaks Paleo

One class today at 9 AM.

Pre burn for feasting...bring a friend.

Row 500 meters
Run 400 meters
21 handstand push ups
21 chest to bar pull ups
Lunge 200 meters
Run 200 meters
15 handstand push ups
15 chest to bar pull ups
Run 400 meters
9 handstand push ups
9 chest to bar pull ups


Dan said...
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Dan said...

20:01 Rx
Failed on last two HSPU's.
Getting better at 'em but all pushed out from yesterday...


Box Jump 24"

Time to rest and relax and binge on good food.

Yamakoa said...

Warm Up
3 rounds 25 dubs and 10 Bfly Pull ups

65x5/85x5/95x3+3OHS/105x3+3/115x3+3/125x3+3/135 (f)

Dan - Thanks for my new starting position when attacking the snatch!

J Weezy said...

22:55 Rx

Lunge 200m qualifies for the unknown and unknowable

Slim Biscayne said...

Worked out at CrossFit Milford

"Get Your Turkey On"

Each team will complete each of the following. The teams will be in groups of 2-4 (depending on the number of people in attendence). One group will run while the other group performs as many repetitions of the desired exercise. When the group comes in from the run they will switch roles. Your total score is based on the total number of reps performed minus your total time.
800 meter run
max rep deadlifts (225/155)
800 meter run
max rep wall balls
800 meter run
max rep pull-ups