Tuesday the 8th of December, 2009

Beach time

Complete three rounds for time of:

40 pound Dumbbell snatch, 21 reps, right arm
21 L Pull-ups
40 pound Dumbbell snatch, 21 reps, left arm
21 L Pull-ups
Post time to comments.
These are squat not power snatches.


J Weezy said...

Joshie, 3 rounds scaled
20# Dumbbell snatch, 15 reps, right arm
12 Pull-ups (some L, mostly tuck)
20# Dumbbell snatch, 15 reps, left arm
12 Pull-ups (some L, mostly tuck)


went super light on the snatches so I could go into a full squat -

Jason said...

A humbling experience...

Scaled to:
40# DB Snatches; 2/3 squat, 1/3 power
Pullups; first ~30 L, rest tuck

about 35 minutes

adam said...

Rx: (40lb and 21 reps of snatches and L Pulls)


Hard to believe from looking on paper that this one would take longer than Murph. Had to really break it up so not a real burner (3's and 4's mostly at the end). Lots of sweat though. lots.

Wess said...

no joke joshie- 30:07
scaled to 30#, 15 reps, 15 reps-all L-pullups

much tougher than i thought; steady pace for breathing control

dibo said...

warmup 10 squats,10 pushups, 20 du's 5xrounds

5x5 back squat 205,225,275,315,335

3 min rest then
21-15-9 DL #225 & burpees 6:34

Yamakoa said...

This one hurt. Was flirting around the red line the whole wod and it caught up with me the last round.
Form on L pulls started suffer as nausea went up. Doing singles and doubles by then end.

K2 20 lb db 15 snatches and 12 tuck pulls

Dan said...

500 m row/400 m run/100 DU's
attempting 4:15
(1:40 row/1:20 run/1:00 DU's/:15 trasitions)
2 attempts
DNF both rounds, stopped at 70 and 50 DU. DU's need to be straight through.

Chris G said...

31:02 - form on L pullups eventually went to shit. Did singles the whole workout.

Slim Biscayne said...

scaled to 9 reps - first time doing L pull-ups


2 round in
