

Evolution- Iron curtain 2010 skill tests

Max Muscle-ups in 1 minute:11
Max HSPU's on 45's and abmat in 1 minute:21

WOD 2 sample
10 C2B pull-ups
10 DB snatches/ arm with 60lbs(Rx is 55)
3 rounds


500 meter row for shits and giggles a la Wess' request.
1:33.2 (PR)

Stoked on the 9 Muscle-ups. HSPU's where not a surprise. They get easier every time I try them. Going to hit that AMRAP at least 2 more times this week as well as the skill tests. I'm not sure its the best idea to release the WODs so early but I guess it will make for an interesting event and build up due to the fact that people will talk about it and do the WODs perhaps getting better at them each time. I know last year I did that couplet and knocked off time every time I did it. Definitely not goin to Max DL or Squat clean. Got those in the bag. Plan on racking up 500 and ripping it off the floor. Wish me luck...

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