
10 min amrap
15 power wallballs
10 hang power snatch 65#DB(5 each arm)
5 strict pullups

5+11 got 3 rounds done in 4 minutes but got messed up on counting so i took the lower of the 2 round counts. power wallballs were fun.

@ 5 minutes of rest: 500m farmers carry with 70#kbs
11:30? can't remember exactly it was harder than the first time i did it. 6 drops 30 burpees.

then 200 russian twists 20#, 100 situps, 50 vups

This whole thing was very sweaty. fitness in miami is preparation for the bowels of hell no?

press: 75x5,90x5,105x3,125x3,135x3,145x3 this was all pretty easy

10 minute amrap
10 shoulder taps free standing (best was 6 in a row)
50' lunges.


knee felt surprisingly sweet on the lunges i was happy.

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