
Wednesday 8/22/2012

bench press: 225x3,255,275,295

13 minute ladder
4' handstand walk (add4' each rung)
15 dubs (add 5 dubs each rung)

8 rounds+24' handstand walk (finished 8 squares+50 dubs and started round of 9)

Thursday 8/23/2012

4 rounds on 3 minute clock
400m run
2 power cleans

first round failed at 225, then did 205 for 2 rounds and then 215.
slowest run was 1:29 fastest 1:23

Friday: 8/24/2012
hang power snatch up to 155
emom: 95x2,105x2,115x2,125x2,135x2,145x2,155x2,165x2,175x2

power clean and jerk up to 235

7 rounds:
7dumbell snatch right
7dumbell snatch left
7 c2b pullups
all unbroken except last 2 pullups like a p****

Saturday: 8/25/2012
press 170 4x1

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