thursday 9/6 friday 9/7

power clean and jerk up to 245, miss 255 (missed clean). on the 245 caught with real low elbows felt like i was lacking some oompf.

6 rounds for time
250 m row
5 wall walks
10 unbroken kbs 70#


friday 9/7

bench press up to 305PR
real slow had to grind it out

deadlift: 225x3,255,285,315,345,375

4 rounds for time
10 handstand L's
20 butterfly situps
30 jumping lunges

later: power snatch up to 185, missed 195 twice. caught the 195 perfect in a full squat but dumped it so i wouldn't have to squat it up and the 2nd one went overhead but up on toes.

for time: 10-8-6-4-2 muscle ups
16-14-12-10-8 box jumps 24"


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