Wednesday the 18th of February, 2009

With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.

Use as many sets each minute as needed.

Post number of minutes completed to comments.


Slim Biscayne said...

Squat Cleans @ 195# x 5
195 (fail)

Felt awful, no pop, no commitment to the squat.

Pull ups on the minute, 2 minutes. Still sore from Monday.

Anonymous said...

can you take your hands off the bar? is this kipping or dead hang?

Dan said...

hands can come off, any pull you choose.

Slim Biscayne said...

we did it dead hang only.

Dan said...

11+4dead hang-70 total
rest 15 minutes
17 +11 kipping-164 total

PANOS said...

100 DU's 1:21. Aiming for under 1 minute.
8+4 dead hang=36
16+12 kipping=148

184 total

Anonymous said...

kipping 17 rounds 153.

Rickke said...

12 rounds kipping. Thanks Dan & CF305 members for letting me drop in from NYC.