Monday the 9th of March, 2009

Complete as many rounds as you can in twenty minutes of:
5 Handstand Push-ups
10 L Pull-ups
15 Steps, Walking Lunge

Post rounds completed to comments.


Anonymous said...

5 rounds
5 push ups
9 l pull ups

Dan said...

8 rounds plus 2hspu.
hspu to abmat on floor. last inch is a killer still.

32 kilo pull up-70.8 lbs x2
40 kilo pull up-88 lbs x1

200 meter sprints w/90 seconds rest.
30, 27, 28, 29
slow legs.

155# clean and jerk
reps of 2 and 1 for technique

crossfit305er said...

Dan and Pete,
Completed 8 rets
Plus 4 sets of 30 sit-ups and 4 sets of 20 push-ups

PANOS said...

Snatch skill work

Snatch balance(SB)- Feet from set to land . Hold landing
Heaving snatch balance(HSB)- feet stay in land position hold bottom for 5 count.
Hang powert snatch (HPS)

10am workout set: 5 HSB(65)x2, (75)x1
5 SB (65)x2, (75)x1
5 HPS-HSB (65)x2, (75)x2

3pm WOD 9 + 5 HSPU (green band assist,straight leg)