Complete as many rounds as you can in twenty minutes of:
5 Handstand Push-ups
10 L Pull-ups
15 Steps, Walking Lunge
Post rounds completed to comments.
CrossFit is a comprehensive health-and-fitness program designed for universal scalability; meaning so long as you're committed, you can get started regardless of experience level. Rather than change programs, we change our loads and intensity to meet the demands of everyone from the elderly to the elite.
CrossFit focuses on all ten elements of optimal physical fitness:
1) Cardio/Respiratory Endurance
2) Stamina
3) Strength
4) Flexibility
5) Power
6) Speed
7) Coordination
8) Agility
9) Balance
10) Accuracy
5 rounds
5 push ups
9 l pull ups
8 rounds plus 2hspu.
hspu to abmat on floor. last inch is a killer still.
32 kilo pull up-70.8 lbs x2
40 kilo pull up-88 lbs x1
200 meter sprints w/90 seconds rest.
30, 27, 28, 29
slow legs.
155# clean and jerk
reps of 2 and 1 for technique
Dan and Pete,
Completed 8 rets
Plus 4 sets of 30 sit-ups and 4 sets of 20 push-ups
Snatch skill work
Snatch balance(SB)- Feet from set to land . Hold landing
Heaving snatch balance(HSB)- feet stay in land position hold bottom for 5 count.
Hang powert snatch (HPS)
10am workout set: 5 HSB(65)x2, (75)x1
5 SB (65)x2, (75)x1
5 HPS-HSB (65)x2, (75)x2
3pm WOD 9 + 5 HSPU (green band assist,straight leg)
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