Monday the 1st of June, 2009

30 butterfly abmat sit ups, 10# plate
50 supermans

5 rounds for time.

Skill of the week: Muscle Up

Notes, tools, articles and ephemera:


Slim Biscayne said...

30 GHD sit-ups
25 back extensions

3 rounds plus 21 GHD's


Felt dizzy and sick and had some crunching on the GHD's that I couldn't correct.

dibo said...

200 du's

20 ring dips/30 supermans 5 rounds

30 du's/15 squats 5 rounds

Yamakoa said...

3 rounds 15ring dips/30 DU/800M run
About 15 min

K2 5 rounds 30 GHDSU/ HipBack Xten

Dan said...

Lengthy warm up including 100+ du's, push ups, kb deadlifts, good mornings, partial range of motion hspu's, a couple of 225# dl's and some jacks.


First 5 hspu to ground, the rest to abmat. majorly tuckered out from the two days prior, probably should've done something else...time to work on the hspu's/overheads A LOT.

muscle ups
4 (2 dead hang/2 kipping)
3 (2 dead hang)
3 (2 dead hang)
3 (1 dead hang)
2 (1 dead hang)
15 total/8 dead hang

2fit2cross said...

broke it up into sets so we could share the GHD.
all sub 2 min. best time sub 1:47.

PANOS said...

6:40 Rx

Pull up ladder