Beach WOD 7/21/09
Five rounds for time:
Lunge from can one to can two
Sprint from can two around lifeguard station to water
15 push ups feet in water
Sprint back across soft pack sand to can one
20 squats
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We will be meeting at the beach at 73rd Street at 6pm.
There is public parking at the lot between 72nd and 73rd on Collins or on 73rd east of Collins.
Bring water, sunscreen, a towel and clothes you don't mind getting wet (a swimsuit). Call Dan for more information (561) 809 - 2858
Then 3 rounds of-
DL 275x1,5 muscleups,20 doubleunders
9min something-
P90X with dan and peter rx'd hehe
no seriously,
FGB RX'd 317
muscle up practice
Burgener warm up PVC
Burgener warm up 65#
Snatch practice 10 min.
max DU-219
More snatch with Pete's new shoes. Gotta get some of those lifting shoes.
Beach WOD
Lunge from can one to can two, sprint from can two around lifeguard station to water
15 push ups feet in water
sprint back across soft pack sand
20 squats
soaked in the salt water and acted as the swimming marker for the swim 50 meters, 30 sit ups, swim 50 meters, 20 sit ups, swim 50 meters, 10 sit up finisher.
15 minutes, dead last, but loving every minute of it, ha. At least we won the relay race, salt wata taste goo' tuh' meh!
Beach WOD
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