Wednesday the 29th of July, 2009

Benchmark Wednesdays

For time:
Row 1000 meter
45 pound thruster, 50 reps
30 pull ups

Today is the first of our Paleo chats in preparation tor the Paleo Challenge starting August 1st.

Notes, tools, articles and ephemera:


adam said...

Double under week:

5 rds:

400M Run
30 Situps
30 Double Unders


3 sets of dubs unbroken. some sort of PR for me.

Jason said...

Tuesday: Mary (7 rounds plus 5 HSPU, 10 one leg squats)

Wednesday: Jackie Rx 10:31

Wess said...

Jackie Rx- 8:29

gotta push to get those pullups done faster.

Dan said...

Adam-work those dubs!
Jason-nice work on Mary
Wes-keep pushing brother.

Row 1000m
50 45# barbell thrusters
30 pull ups


Row was around 4:00 with a back off on the last 125m, thrusters un broken, pull ups 25/1/4. Slipped off the bar.
Somewhat of a backfire on the row plan. Shut it down too early and by too much. Look forward to attacking this one when it comes back.

Rest 20 minutes

5 dead hang pull ups
1 32 kg pull up
1 100 lb. chin up to forehead
1 100 lb. pull up to nose (until the chain broke)
The elusive 100 lb. pull up is almost accomplished.

Rest 30 minutes

Track work in the rain.
All @ 800 meter goal pace with equal walking recovery
400 meters-58.7, 59.3
200 meters-29, 29, 29, 29
Long way to go, but attainable.

Slim Biscayne said...

Nice work Dan.

shashyk said...

6k run on the beach.
approx,35 minutes.
Instead of Jackie.

Slim Biscayne said...

Jackie Rx'd


Pullups all singles. Row around 4 flat

Thrusters were broken up a little but never put the bar down.

Good solid burn and thanks to K-roc for the counting.

Joey G said...

My 6th crossfit WOD. Kicked my butt! Lots of work to do. Feel great though!

PRothNJ said...

8:05 rx
Pull ups 10/5/5 then combination of 1 and 2's

K-Roc said...

Any time Dom! Great job guttin out those pullups! FYI just finished making my new improved sandbag. Anyone interested in joining me at Flamingo Park in SoBe this weekend for some nasty bag/track training, hit me up.
FYI Bag = 180lbs...Devastating.