Wednedsay the 12th of August, 2009

65# was just the right weight for you Ryan.
Way to hit that pose J-ME.

Benchmark Wednesday


5 rounds for time of:
400 meter run
95 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps

Post time to comments

Compare with your last performance 1 month ago. Is your game where it should be? Now is your chance to find out.

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  • BGI Fitness is hosting an Olympic Weightlifting workshop on Sept 27th. Sign up here.


adam said...

Nancy 15:00 (rx). last month 16:16

wore running shoes instead of flats. 4 sets of ohs unbroken (set#4), last time only 1 unbroken.

gained a few lbs - running harder, weights easier.

Great job to Kim and Erika this morning.

PANOS said...

Yea Kim and Erika push each other. And that energy pushed Adam as well. Didn't they Adam?
The question is who pushes you? Who do you match up with at this stage of your development?
Crossfit brings that competitive edge out of everyone of us whether its conscious or subconscious . If you don't feel that then you my friend aren't Crossfitting. You are just working out!

PANOS said...

I would like to add that competing against yourself also counts.

Dan said...

60 minute spin class with dad and sis.
1 round of DT @ 155#
1 round of Magic 50 @ 60#
2:30 plank hold

135# squat clean x1/front squat x10
60# weighted chin up x3
135# squat clean x1/front squat x10
60# weighted pull up x3
135# squat clean x1/front squat x10
60# weighted chin up x3
135# squat clean x1/front squat x10
60# weighted pull up x3
not for time

10 squats/10 push ups
5 rounds 2:45
50 pull ups 3:13

Slim Biscayne said...

Kazanas Water Method Warm-up



as RX'd

all sets unbroken

1 - 3:26
2 - 3:42
3 - 3:44
4 - 3:53
5 - 3:41

18:26 (PR)

last time was 19:54. I pushed on this and it paid off. 4 days in a row though, and I am due for a rest day. See you guys Monday!

PANOS said...

400 mtr
50 squats

9:45 (PR)

Cant believe I broke 10 minutes. Totally fucking stoked. Those cone hill runs in Wisconsin planted a seed in my head. Love it love it!

Wess said...

Nancy @ 75lbs- 14:08- PR by six seconds

squats unbroken except for 3rd round.

finisher- 50 KB swings for time- 1.5 pood 2:20

Pete- you're an animal!

DIBO said...

nancy 13:42 had to sub OHS with #135 of front squats(shoulder). about 30 sec more than last nancy.

50 kb swings(32k) 1:55

Joseph Gurian said...

Joey G.

Nancy WOD

45#, dont recall for sure but I think set 3 was broken up. Other sets were more like a "pause" than "broken"

finisher KB swings with 1 poot
2:50 something.

I felt tired yesterday, didnt eat enough. Still sore from Monday WOD.