Outdoor setup up for first five movements of the 'CFAffliction Challenge'.
Row/box jump/run/deadlift/double unders.
CF 305 had a great day in the heat.
21, 15, 9 reps
Squat Clean 135/95
Ring Dips
CrossFit is a comprehensive health-and-fitness program designed for universal scalability; meaning so long as you're committed, you can get started regardless of experience level. Rather than change programs, we change our loads and intensity to meet the demands of everyone from the elderly to the elite.
CrossFit focuses on all ten elements of optimal physical fitness:
1) Cardio/Respiratory Endurance
2) Stamina
3) Strength
4) Flexibility
5) Power
6) Speed
7) Coordination
8) Agility
9) Balance
10) Accuracy
Long town walk
Long town-town run
1/2 Cindy
5 dead hang pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats
10 rounds ~10 minutes.
105 lbs-
12:36- lost a minute or so when the bar fell apart.
2X400m run- 1:17/1:19
Elizabeth - 135# rx 10:26
Curious to hear everyone's thoughts on this one. I thought it was very tough, partly because I struggle with squats. As far as benchmarks go I think it as hard as they come because the RX weight itself was a challenge to get through. Different than Fran or Diane (225 DL and HSPU 21-15-9) which is equally difficult on both ends. With this one, the squat cleans are brutal compared to the ring dips. Maybe that is just me.
I am interested to hear with others have to say.
Great turnout today for both the 6AM and 7AM. That noise you hear is the groundswell of support for another 6AM weekday class.
Squat cleans are definitely the killer in Elizabeth. If I had RX'd it, it would've easily taken 20 minutes.
Fran feels easier-both exercises are fairly easy.
Diane I haven't done but sounds like it'd take some time.
very rough one
rx'd the squat clean 21/15/9 but had to sub ring dips for ab mat sit-ups 42-30-18 reps. hopefully next time i will be healthy to do dips, abs seem to take longer, but who knows.
time: 9:25
this one did not crush me as much as some of the others. used to live on squat cleans, been doin 'em since the college years.
9:41 rx
med ball at the bottom
rest 10 minutes
2x400 meter run on new course.
72, 70
nice tempo runs. feeling better in the lungs on runs.
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