Thursday the 24th of September, 2009

When it clears it's clear.......10'

For points:
2 minutes max air squats

2 minutes max double unders
2 minutes max abmat sit ups
2 minutes max burpees
2 minutes max kettlebell/dumbbell swings


Dan said...

If it is written it will happen.

Juan said...

I still can't believe I didn't win my shirt....lol =x

thekillatapes said...

267, and then 210, with Russian Kettleball swings, and Mountain Climbers instead of dub unders.. I thought Dan was joking when he announced we were doing it again... Alas, he was not.

2fit2cross said...

rest and get ready for FGB...although
5 sets of 6 jack knife push ups on the parallettes and a few muscle ups.