Monday the 19th of October, 2009

21, 15 and 9 reps of:
Barbell Thruster 95/65
Pull Ups

Scale up or down as needed.

Essential 9 of the week: Front Squat
Skill of the week: Sprint start and finish

Notes, tools, articles and ephemera:


Adam said...

Fran (rx) 4:11 (PR). Last time 5:02

Used a medball on the thrusters just to compare with last time and keep consistent. I think it gives too much help, mentally at least. No more ball for the next try.

Weather was good for a boost too.

Slim Biscayne said...

awesome time Adam

Jason said...

Fran 4:41

Need to fix kip and get full extension on pullups...

J Weezy said...

Fran 9:31 Rx

first time doing 95#. Too slow on thrusters today. Wrists were killing me and had to do sub sets of 3 to compensate. Lots of room for improvement next time.

Dan said...

800 meter time trial
(32, 30, 37, 32)
Very windy.
Hit the wind big time on the 3rd 200.

200 meters x2(27, 27)
Good tempo, tailwind

4 x50 meter backward run

2x50 meter hop-hop-go four point start sprint.

Feel fast, need lungs. Must run more distance and tempo.

Bench press
155x3, 165x3, 185x7

Yamakoa said...

Rx'd 4:13. 25 seconds slower than my best time.
K2 Rx'd 7:56 (PR)

Got my ass handed to me today. Thank you Fran! It definitely is a good catalyst to clean up my diet, especially my love for Bacchus' nectar.

Thanks Dan for "the special syrup."
K Rock - nice catch (supposedly).

K-Rrrrico said...

7-1-09 Fran: 7:47 rx
10-19-09 Fran: 6:13 rx

dibo said...

5:50 using 50lb db's for thursters, coming off a lil layoff from illness
4:04 last time....

goodluck eating healthy in new orleans chris

Slim Biscayne said...

scaled to
21-15-9 - 95# Thrusters
7-7-7 - pull-ups

Last time did 6-6-6 for pullups

5:57 - about 30 seconds slower.

PANOS said...

Performed on 10/25

3:25 Rx
all thrusters unbroken.
Pullups unbroken the first tound then 3 sets on second and 2 on third.
room to go below 3 minutes. I was going on short sleep and early softball game. Definately not cituation for breaking any PR by a big time. I will take the solid effort though.