Saturday the 7th of November, 2009

Olympic Lifting at Noon
Field Day at 1pm


Anonymous said...

5x5 back squat
hamstring work

1k row 3:33 2min rest
1k row 3:? "
500m row 1:35 2min rest
500m row 1:47 "
500m row ?

dibo said...

me above

Cardio Princess said...

I just wanted to say that today's field day was a blast! I really enjoyed doing the finisher twice...and did I mention Dan is the nicest guy I know! He was so happy to have me there for the WOD:-)


Dan said...

Have you seen my keys?

2fit2cross said...

weighted pull ups
42.5 x1
92.5 x1
112.5 x1

42.5 x 5 x3