Tuesday the 24th of November, 2009

Row 750 meters
75 thrusters, 45/33

Four members of CrossFit Lumberjack were killed in the Fort Hood shooting. Here is what the CrossFit community is doing to help. We will be doing the WOD next Friday, December 4th at all classes. Go HERE to donate.

Of interest:


Jason said...

poor showing...i should have rested less

Dan said...

HSPU x12, 10
HSPU press out x3

Back Squat 135x10
185x5 (last 2 1.25ers)
135x5x3 (1.25ers)

Bent over row 135x3, 185x3, 185x3

400 meter runs on 2:40
74, 74, 74, 69

Wess said...

WOD- 7:37

20min recovery then...

2 MuscleUps/4 HSPU/8 pistols AMRAP in 7 min-
5rounds + 2 HSPU

J Weezy said...

7:22 on the row, thrusters

Yamakoa said...

6:06 Really wanted sub 6 min. Dan had it right, last 25 straight reps would have accomplished that; but I punked out to my burning lungs (not quads) and put it down.

K2 33 lbs. thruster

Yamakoa said...

Almost forgot, Great job Dom. Solid work!

Slim Biscayne said...

7:10 RX

Really wanted sub 7 - next time

2fit2cross said...

chipper from monday

brutalized by it. havent been training at the edge of quitting for a few weeks. Feel the effects of an untrained mind slowing me down. Good to get eaten up by something though

thanks to Joe Dibo for the pacing on th e800 meters, great help.