Wednesday the 18th of November, 2009

Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats


Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
5 Handstand Push-ups
10 One legged squats, alternating
15 Pull-ups

Post your choice of girls and rounds completed to comments.

YELP! Give us five minutes of your time and let us know what you think.

Road race preparation group covering training, recovery, pacing and race strategy starts Dec. 5th. If you are interested, speak with Dan.

In the meantime, register for this 5k.

Of interest:


Jason said...

cindy 22 rounds + 5

adam said...

Mary, Mary, why you buggin?

Really needed a day off.

10 rds plus 5hspus and 10 pistols. Rest tomorrow.

Great job, JC

J Weezy said...

Cindy - 17 rds

squat speed slow - still sore from saturdays lunges

Wess said...

First date w Mary.. she did me good.

Rx- 10 rounds + 5hspu +7 pistols.

dibo said...

2k row 7:01. was able to game it after the bar was set, thx Al!

MU practice. Hay is in the barn, till saturday.

Yamakoa said...

Triplet of 2 MU 4 HSPU 8 Pistols 20 mins
8 rd plus 2 MU
decided to do this triplet because my hand is still in bad shape and these 3 exercises are some of my weak points.

K2 Cindy
15 rds plus 5 pulls and 1 push

Big Dawg - Thanx for the spots. Getting that bacon.

Chris G said...

Worked on Snatches - 3 rope climbs, 10 Squat Snatches (7.5 minutes w/ multiple failed attempts). Snatch is definitely a huge weak point for me, will have to keep working at it.

Rest till Saturday

Dan said...


Push press

jumprope practice 20 minutes.
two triple unders.
rolling, stretch.