Wednesday the 4th of November, 2009

Three rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
50 Back Extensions
50 Sit-ups
Post time to comments.

If you intend on doing this as RX'd, let us know what time you will be coming so we can arrange to have the GHD's open.

Of interest:


J Weezy said...

wow, click on the label for the last "Michael" - DM your comment from a year ago should give us all hope... four? really?

i'm still not doing rope climbs...ever

Adam said...

JC, you were right, I was wrong. No GHD situps, only back extensions.

25:58: 100 GHD situps / 50 abmat / 100 GHD back extensions / 50 abmat back extensions.

Either I am still dizzy from this workout or I am coming down with swine flu. Feels like trying to run 800 meters out of a washing machine.

dibo said...

23:50 800m, 50 back ext on ghd, 50 abmat anchored situps 3xrounds. last time i did this wod 29:04.

Luis Pinto said...

doing rx, comming at 6:30

tHekillatapes said...

27:00 flat- subbed supermans for back extensions, partly because the machine was taken, and partly because that machine scares me. Maybe that's because Dan told me something very bad happens if you progress too fast on it? Ha.

Anyway, it's something I need to work on going forward.

J Weezy said...

Michael - 32:57 Rx plus

round 1 GHD, rounds 2&3 abmat bfly

3rd round run felt weird, legs and back fried from the extensions, need better flexibility

Jason said...

Michael kicked my ass.

800m run
75 GHD situps, 75 abmat situps
75 GHD back extensions, 75 abmat back extensions

2fit2cross said...

be there are 5:30 for an Rx attempt

MacGruber said...

Be there at 5:30, will Rx up in that piece...

Dan said...

365, 405(got it to mid thigh, could not lock out), 405 (f-barely off of ground), 365, 345

15 Overhead Squats 75#
15 push ups
Run 200 Meters
3 rounds

Thanks for coming through Jonas, good times!

5:30 pm
"Good Morning Michael"
Run 800 Meters
50 45# Good Mornings
50 AbMat Sit Ups (Floor touch in front of toes)

A little less pain than back extensions.

Four muscle ups a year ago was four kipping in a row, with no full extension at the bottom. Now I have 5 or 6 dead hang, 10 or 12 kipping. This stuff works.

dibo said...

tonight 1 hr of micro futbol 6 on (indoor soccer). fried. rest day tmw fo shizzle ma nizzle.

Yamakoa said...

800 M run/45 lb Bar Good Mornings/Abmat Sit Us
Note: was touching tip of feet instead of in front

Rx'd except for one round of superman
5 mins better than her previous time and 10 mins better than her 1st try 6 months ago.
It works!

2fit2cross said...

800 M/ 45 # Bar Good Morning/ Abmat Sit up touching toes not floor.


Chris G said...

Michael - 21:09 rx touched floor in front of toes because Dan yelled at all of us and told us to... hurt our feelings.